We were all hardwired to communicate since birth, and no matter what, wshareommunicate in one form or another.
The art of communication is mainly about how the human senses and brain manage the input and output of data/information. It is about the processes of receiving, comprehending, translating, transferring and manifesting the expression of emotions and information, the capability to process the input of data/information, and the skills to pass express a message. It is how we connect, network and socialises.
To communicate is to express oneself and understand the dynamics generated from the expression of others. It is the exchange of the unique experience of feeling alive. Our behaviour, attitudes and emotions are the
There are several ways in which we can communicate, including through words (speaking and writing), making a noise (shouting may describe distress or express cheering), gestures, poses, hand movements, and facial expressions can all be examples of communication.
What is communication development?

In the English dictionary, the word Language is described in several ways; from an arbitrary sound or a system of linguistic signs or symbols to any particular form of expressing oneself, which can be put in a specific order to create meaning for communication.
Communication is the process of transmitting or interchanging thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. It is the expression of the self.
Moreover, in biology, it means the activity by one organism that changes, through development, or has the potential to change the behaviour of other organisms.
To learn is to acquire knowledge of or skill by study, instruction (communication via a type of language), or experience: it is so to become informed of or
acquainted with; ascertain: to memorise.
source, https://www.dictionary.com
Here at the Interface Schema, we are very serious about communication, and we are always working to improve how we express our plans and actions. We never assume we do not make mistakes and we always welcome positive feedback to make things better.
Please get in touch if you hear, see, read and or do not understand anything on our website, and we will make sure we can explain it to you and or correct it to improve the information in a way anyone can understand better.
The Psychology of Learning
Psychology and Neuroscience help us to understand how people learn and how they change behaviour. Today, due to the advanced technology, scientists can "see" how our brain works and respond to different stimuli (motivation) during different actions without harming anyone. This process has created a revolution in how we comprehend the general behaviour of learning.
There are many studies and research in this field, and although we are still very far to grasp the real potential of our brain, it suffices to say that we already have enough material that will, no doubt, help you to learn a new language.
Alex Cenem's methodology to teach you to learn a new language is a synthesis of some of these studies (in the field of psychology and neurosciences) and his Dynamic Natural Assessment programme.
The Interface-Language Project aims to use the sciences to help you maximise the opportunities for you to learn how to communicate in another language.
Read more about The Learning Theories in Psychology
Read more about the Dynamic Natural Assessment programme©