Alex Cenem designed and currently manages the Interface Schema© programme.
All the Interface Schema projects have their structures based on
the Dynamic Natural Assessment (DNA) programme©, written and designed by Alex Cenem.
The Idea was born.
The programme idea was inspired by the work Alex Cenem and a group of friends used to do in Brazil - 1985/89; organising charity events for orphanages around São Paulo/Brazil, his birthplace. However, the initial "Interface project" only evolved into a real passion after a few decades of hard work in the UK. Alex dedicated his personal and professional development to learn about people development, and he attended many courses and projects including two that really inspired him the most; the youth project at the Psychosynthesis Education Trust -1990/91, and the management of one of the major projects in the UK (2006/08); Crisis national charity, helping homeless and young offenders back into employment.
The upgraded version was created.
The new version of the initial idea became today the Interface-Schema; the intention to create an alliance and a coalition of people to create opportunities to support, what Alex calls, the natural human evolutionary process.
The aim is to build the union of the minds and the unique natural skills that we all have, improve these skills together and break down preconceptions and stereotypes to improve our communities and modern lives. He wishes to build a place where we can be perfectly imperfect and still produce amazing things together, with respect for each other and with the understanding that only by uniting our strengths we can evolve into better beings.
"Opportunity favours the bold – this is a lesson that I learned early on, and have used to guide the Virgin story. If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity, but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!"
Richard Branson

Alex Cenem is currently setting up the whole programme and its projects on his own while he is finishing his last year of Child/Developmental Psychology.
He is looking for enthusiastic people who wish to join a special team of people, prepared to work hard to create a profitable and successful Business/Social Enterprise.
Alex is prepared to provide training and teaching to anyone willing to dedicate and commit to this initial step in the programme,
Please Contact Alex for more information or click on